As you know for the upcoming month of July, and my ninth rotation out of thirteen total, I will be traveling to Africa on a medical mission trip.
I am inviting you to take part in this incredible experience with me through prayer. This is a unique time, as I am afforded the opportunity to finally begin using my hard-earned knowledge and skills to serve those in need as a healthcare professional.
• for the spiritual preparation of the Ghana team, that our hearts and hands would offer the healing, mercy, and grace of Jesus
• for the people of Ghana, as they welcome us into their country with vulnerability, desperation, and appreciation, that their hearts may be softened to the powerful work of God in their lives, even greater than the healing we have to offer
• for safe travels, good health, and physical protection while we serve
• for the work that God will do in each team member’s life, that we would listen for His guidance, stay focused on His purpose, and be filled with the gentleness and love given to us by the Spirit